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Discussion: Who Is the Biggest Bust in KC Sports History?


I am once again asking for your vitriol and rage to be let out. Remember the times of when the Chiefs were awful, when Sporting KC had draft woes (it's very, very rare), or when the Royals had them perhaps (not so rare) and give me your most seething takes on who you think is the biggest bust in KC sports history. I'll even include the colleges, as we all know there's a few horror stories from KU, MU, and K-State... I'll even go ahead and give a few examples like I did last time!

Todd Blackledge, Chiefs: I was not around when Todd played quarterback for the Chiefs, however the seventh pick in the 1983 NFL Draft (A draft that contained the likes of Dan Marino, John Elway, Jim Kelly, shoot even Ken O'Brien who wasn't half bad) didn't exactly live up to the prestige of his draft position, especially in the draft he was in as seen above. Blackledge produced a poultry 29/38 Touchdown to interception ratio, only completed 48% of his passes, and is seen as one of the biggest busts in NFL HISTORY, not just the Chiefs.

Bubba Starling, Royals: The hometown kid had a great story, that's about where it ends. Called up 2019, he produced far from the mark he was supposed to as a first round "phenom" He achieved over his career 50 hits on 245 at bats, drove in 17 runs, and walked 13 times. His career is basically over by the way in terms of the majors, last seen in an Omaha Stormchasers uniform and at the beginning of this year electing free agency. No one has picked him up yet, and it can only be assumed by the way he performed in the big leagues, nobody will. It's hard to write this about a guy from Gardner, KS, but it's the truth.

Cliff Alexander, KU: This guy is the very definition of one hit wonder, and not in a "he played one year then went to the NBA" (I mean he did but like, not in a good way you know?) He had a few good games for Kansas, but ended up getting busted trying to take "impermissible benefits" from boosters that are no longer with Kansas Athletics. Not that it really mattered, Cliff wasn't nearly as good as he was projected, averaging 7.1 points per game with a 56.6% FG average. Considered to be one of the biggest duds in Kansas basketball history, Cliff then pursued an NBA career, of which he averaged 4.5 minutes a game with a whopping 1.2 points per game. Oh, and he only played one season for the Blazers. He was last seen playing basketball in South Korea.

I couldn't really find one for Sporting, as the data isn't too great on it, but if you know of one for either Sporting or the Wizards let me know! I'd love to hear about them and the other draft busts that threw you into a rage when you watched them underperform! Best answers will get featured in the next ScorchCast, let's BUST these BUSTS out people! (I'm sorry)

Burn Notice: 10/10 Like many of these unfortunate souls, these men had their careers burst into flames


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