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Discussion: What Are Your Favorite Sports Traditions?


In lieu of another training camp article (That I will more than likely put out tomorrow LOL) I wanted to have kind of a fun, light-hearted conversation with you guys. I feel like we haven't had one of those in a while! I want to ask you guys, the fans, what your favorite sports traditions are? They can be a tradition just you or your family does, anything a player does, or maybe your college or pro sports favorite. Best answers will be featured in the podcast!

Here are a few of mine (Certainly not a definitive list though):

The Rock Chalk Chant: Come on, you knew as a KU alum that this was going to be here for me. Being there at Allen Fieldhouse though and experiencing that will bring ANY college basketball fan to chills. The slow, droning chorus of voices when the game starts, and (if KU is winning by an insurmountable amount) in the closing minutes lets you know you have come to a cathedral of college basketball, and you should pay respect.

The Royals Hot Dog Race: This tradition is the reason I don't do sports betting. Ketchup has let me down far too many times and frankly speaking if it weren't for this race being the most fun part of most Royals games I'd say to heck with this one. BUT, this tradition lives on as one of my favorite things to do at the K...considering the beer and food is astronomically expensive...

"The Squat": I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I do many weird things when I watch sports events, but this one I only do if I am alone so not too many people have seen it. I call it "The Squat", where I squat in front of the TV during tense moments for my teams. When Sporting won the MLS Cup in 2013, I was in the squat and the tradition began. When KU beat Texas in football this past year, squat. The Chiefs AFC Divisional game against the Buffalo Bills last year as well (The only time I've ever done this in public, on a barstool no less) in the best, most balanced catcher's squat you'll ever see. It may just be superstition, but so far? It's worked every time. Maybe I need to start doing it more even when I'm in public...Public embarrassment versus the Chiefs winning? I pick the latter, I've embarrassed myself enough in public to where it won't bother me anymore.

ANYWAY, what are some of your traditions? Which ones do you enjoy the most? Any traditions that you perhaps DON'T enjoy? Leave your thoughts below or on social media. You don't mess with tradition, and that's a fact.

Burn Notice: 10/10 You know some Viking tribes would set fire to their ships so they wouldn't be able to retreat? Wild.


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