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B-Enemy: The Curious Relationship Between LeSean McCoy and Coach Bieniemy


Yesterday morning, former Chief LeSean McCoy (Yeah he played for the Chiefs remember???) went onto the I AM ATHLETE podcast on Sirius XM. The interview consisted of what he's doing post-retirement, the Super Bowl with the Bucs (Of which I don't think he had a carry in), and a very... peculiar relationship with the Chiefs. Particularly with offensive coordinator Eric Bieniemy. He points to the OC as the reason he stopped playing for KC and requested a trade, that Coach Bieniemy spoke to players in a manner that wasn't exactly kosher, and that he's "unsurprised" Bieniemy has not found a head coaching gig. He also said it was not reserved to just him, that other former and current Chiefs share the same opinion as well.

What perplexes me about this statement is that LeSean McCoy played exactly 1 year under Bieniemy, a year that saw him get much, much more production than in Tampa, but still very underwhelming for a once great star. While I understand he's a veteran player that probably thinks he knows the game well, the plain and simple fact of life is that LeSean should have quit while he was ahead. I think Coach Bieniemy told him what he did not want to hear, that his playing days are numbered if not over already, and that he was never the long term solution at running back for the Chiefs. Certain media outlets that seem to be pro-McCoy have pointed to a completely baseless sign of a rift between Bieniemy and Patrick Mahomes to ratify this notion that McCoy presents, saying Mahomes doesn't come to the defense or vouch for him so therefore they MUST absolutely hate each other right? For some reason I truly doubt that, especially when the duo has been to 4 straight AFC Championships, 2 Super Bowls, and a Super Bowl victory. Not to mention have shown love to each other on multiple occassions before this. Whatever Mahomes and Bieniemy have works, and some washed veteran who may have had it his way in one system and doesn't in another cannot deny that. Yes, there can be beef between two people and they still be successful, Jerry Krause and Michael Jordan for example, but I believe Andy Reid and Brett Veach wouldn't have offered the man an extension if he was as much of a cancer as McCoy says he was. Reid has dealt with a lot of BS over his career, from TO to Kareem Hunt to whatever this is. He knows how to handle locker room cancers, and that's to put the hammer down and put it down quick. Reid has already defended Bieniemy, basically saying what is being stated in this article, that Bieniemy gave McCoy the hard truth and he has to accept that. That's coming from McCoy's former head coach in Philadelphia, mind you, a man he spent 4 seasons under.

This theory seems completely baseless and I am doubled over in laughter that it's actually gotten media traction and people in the media believe it. Especially when there is a lot more evidence of McCoy being absolutely terrible in Kansas City when he did get carries, having almost as many fumbles as touchdowns because he carries the ball like a loaf of bread. Newsflash LeSean: It's ill-advised to do that when you're 24 and fresh, it's EVEN MORE ill-advised to do it when you're 33 and have taken a beating over your career causing your performance to falter. It's funny to me that a guy, who was once an incredible back mind you, has this much of a superiority complex after he has noticably fallen so far. Face facts, you're getting old and your production is slowing. To LeSean I say this: Get over yourself. Please. You were good for a few years but you have to know when to throw in the towel, and at the very least be graceful with it instead of being a narcissistic punk. The fact that you were upset with the Chiefs yet have not once mentioned how you got *checks notes* 31 total rushing yards and ZERO touchdowns in Tampa on 10 games played is comedic, get real dude. Have a happy retirement I guess.

Burn Notice: 10/10 Seething with LeSean McCoy levels of rage


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